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Record Holders

Achievements given to members who currently hold the highest records for various challenges

  1. Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most reputation accrued in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png

    Record - Most Reputation

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most reputation accrued in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png



    Record - Most Reputation

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most reputation accrued in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png


  2. Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most recruits obtained in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png

    Record - Most Recruits

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most recruits obtained in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png



    Record - Most Recruits

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most recruits obtained in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png


  3. Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours hosted in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png

    Record - Event Hours Hosted

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours hosted in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png



    Record - Event Hours Hosted

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours hosted in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png


  4. Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours attended in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png

    Record - Event Hours Attended

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours attended in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png



    Record - Event Hours Attended

    Awarded to the member who holds the current record for the most event hours attended in a single month
    Eligibility: Anyone. If the achievement record is beaten, the achievement transfers to the new holder (only 1 can exist). Forfeited upon inactivity.
    Award authority: t5VcQzP.png

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