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The Court of Justice

Where Justice Cases are considered, reviewed and decided upon by Damage Incorporated's Justice Committee.

Justice Rules

  1. You cannot lodge an appeal on someone’s behalf or if the strike occurred more than 2 months ago.
  2. Strikes or Blacklists that are deemed unfair or an abuse of power may be appealed to the Justice Committee by the affected member. Leadership Bans or any rule changes cannot be appealed through the Justice Committee.
  3. Members of the Justice Committee cannot discuss any Justice cases or decisions with anyone except the person struck and the person who struck them, please do not ask them to. They may however, seek evidence or witness statements as part of their investigation from others.
  4. Any attempts to try and coerce a Justice Officer or influence a decision of an appeal may result in a strike.
  5. Justice decisions are final.


To lodge an Appeal click here.

For details on the Appeal System click here.

For details on the Strike System click here.

For details on Promotion Cooldowns click here.

Current Justice Team

+Justice @Toom

+Justice @Yukon

+Justice @MarkM

Frequently Asked Questions

Why was my strike upheld?
The strike was correctly given by the officer deeming you to have breached the Code of Ops.

The strike I handed out was overturned, why?
Either the member did not breach the Wiki or the wrong strike was issued that did not align to the breach.

This officer is mistreating me. The strikes they gave me were overturned, but what happens to them now?
If an officer is behaving unprofessionally they will be penalized accordingly. No one in the community is above the rules, however, you will not be informed of what punishment is handed out to the officer.

I am appealing a strike that a Justice gave me, how does this work?
In this situation, the Justice in question will not be involved in the review, however may be consulted as a witness to the event.

My strike was upheld, can I appeal again?
The only situation in which you can re-appeal a strike is when new evidence has come to light that could change the decision. If there is no new evidence, the strike cannot be re-appealed, as all Justice decisions are final.

The officer didn’t warn me before giving a strike, why?
Officers are not obligated to give an additional warning before the warning. A strike is a warning, and if you receive one, it tells you that “you have received a warning”.

What happens in a Justice review?
Justice review will go through 3 stages. Investigation, Debate and Voting. During the Investigation (if required) more information will be gathered from involved parties. During the Debate the Justices will evaluate the information prior to voting on a decision through majority vote.

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